Friday, 9 December 2011

how to love

i feel like my life really sucks right now.. everything was thrown in my head thinking why is my life like this,, why do i deserve this kind of punishment,,why did you do this to me,,why must all my choices be wrong.. everything is just confusing..i feel like giving up.. but a friend just boosted my spirit to keep going.. thanks Adrina.. you helped me a lot.. how an i ever repay you? is life this complicated.. i thought i did the right thing.. but it turned up being up side down.. i was blamed? why?.. yes maybe you are mad at me.. but at least give me a chance to explain.. why can't people understand some people care for you and willing to let go of you for someone even better.. can't you see? i care too much for you.. i will never want to see you hurt.. if you are happy i'll be happy too.. i'll be happy to see you with someone you love.. and thinking that if you have been with me.. i don't think that i can give you happiness.. nobody's perfect but to me your too perfect.. and i will never,, ever hate you.. i'll always keep all the memories we been through together.. you'll always be in my mind.. 

Although my heart is wilted,, but the memories are still fresh
                                                                                                  xoxo lilyana

1 comment:

  1. This is life Diana. In life,there is many challenge. We must face it even you can or not. But the most important treasure that will keep us strong and weak the enemies is smile. So, keep smile Diana. One day, you will find a guy who will truly love you. Remember, If you don't have someone to talk about your problem, find me, I will be right next to you. You're my best friend. I will support you till end of my life.
